Give Rugby A Try

Garnock Rugby Club Junior Section are having their first Give Rugby a Try session of the season on Sunday 26th January at Lochshore.

Come along and see what it’s all about.

Chat to the coaches, committee members and join in some rugby.

Sunday, January 26th 2025 at Lochshore

Primary 1-3:     10-11am
Primary 4-7:    11-12pm

Any players from s1 upwards should contact us via Facebook – Garnock Rugby Club Junior Section or Instagram garnock_juniors

give rugby a try junior team
Junior Section Rugby Training

Training times are as follows


P4-5: 11am-12pm
P6-7: 11am-12pm
U16: As advised


P4-5: 6-7pm
P6-7: 6-7pm
U16s: 6-7.30pm

Games are played on Sundays for all age groups.